About You

You did not stop by our website or perhaps found one of our rocks by accident. You are here by God’s design. Whatever bad things you are doing, have done or have had done to you, all the hurts or habits can be changed, forgiven and put to rest. You are a precious child of God and your life has value. God has a plan for your life and it is so easy for you to follow. All you need to do is follow the word of God that is contained in the Bible, believe in his Son Jesus Christ and pray. Jesus offers a plan of Salvation and it goes as follows:

Admit you are a sinner.
Believe that Jesus died for you
Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.

There is nothing difficult about it. Simple as your abc’s and just inviting Jesus in to your heart and life.

Do not be intimidated by prayer. There is no right or wrong way to pray, all you do is talk to God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit the same way you  talk to people. Prayer can be done out loud or in your thoughts. Either way all prayer is heard.

The following are some Scriptures to help you in your journey:

John 3:16, John 11:25, Matthew 28: 5-6, 1 Cor. 15:4, Roman 10:9, Luke 10:27, Exodus 20:2-17

Please join us in spreading the good news of Jesus by painting your own religious/motivational rocks with directions on the back to our website. Then just place out in public to be found. You can check in on our website to track them for location and any messages posted by those who found them. Your rocks are personal and do not have to look like an artist did them. Remember your rocks are your design. Simple or detailed, it is your call. Just keep the theme positive and uplifting. We find it best to put a light coat of the Mod Poge over the entire rock as a protective coat Cost for getting involved painting your own rocks is small and the opportunity to spread the good news of Jesus is priceless.